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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


During December and January in the garden we finish saving all of the heirloom seeds from the garden and we bless them:

After saving the tomatillo, basil, and marigold seeds the last week the Jr. Farmers and I went for cover from the twenty degree weather and into our art classroom. Here each Junior Farmer designed their garden plots for this next spring. Using cut out vegetable and flower images from previous years’ seed catalogues We laid out our preference and plans for the seasons, saw our designs and culinary preference. We also used the cut-outs to create a game of categories with the botanical vegetable families, one of the key elements in sustainable agriculture.

This time of the year as we harvest our greens from the greenhouse for cooking class we also begin to into what we stored this year, as the earth is hard and frozen now. We wait with great anticipation for the coming of our favorite seed catalogues for this year. Some of our favorites include the Seed Savers Exchange, Baker Creek Heirlooms, and Vermont Bean. We look forward to learning with you this next year.

Together we transform the land in Camden, we are all transformed within, and together we change how we live. Come and shape Environmental Justice with us.

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